Monday, April 20, 2015

How I am convinced Ketosis, Paleo thinking and Eating Low Carb is the way to lose and maintain my ideal weight!

This morning, after a week of pulling in the reins and getting back down to my lowest number on the scale in the last 13 years, I surpassed it by -1.

I am prepared to work myself down this "decade" of 150's and hopefully hit "goal weight".

(hmmm. I don not know if I have put THAT number out into the universe!)

It is still amazing to me. Actually finding a solution and chemical reaction that allows me to determine how to proceed. *WOW* Beyond happy.

I am convinced that by eliminating carbs, ( i.e. the white powdery, sugar laden, quick fix, highly processed "food") and putting my body into ketosis, I am able to burn fat for fuel and lose weight.

Ketosis is the after effect once carbohydrate are used up as a fuel source and the body burns FAT for fuel and through the natural elimination process by your system. Ketones are detected confirming this state. HOORAY!

There is a strip tester I've mentioned you can use while urinating that confirms you are within a range of Ketosis. Deep ketosis (Dark Pink) vs Trace ketosis (Light Pink) does not seem to matter to eliminate the pounds. I found the testing very helpful and reassuring during the beginning of this weight loss process. I do not use them much anymore, unless I am kicking it back in, but even this time, I didn't need go back to the test strips.

In Phase one, or really focused down, I try to stick with 25g or under of NET carb. This is straight out of the Adkins Phase one thinking. As you progress into the OWL phase, or ongoing weight loss, you can move the carb number up until you see a flat line of weight loss on the scale and determine that is your carb load break point.

I never got THAT detailed in determining my specific carb number, just tried to keep on keeping on. Maybe that is the reason for my slow and steady removal of weight vs a faster result.


The Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve

What’ll It Be? The “Sweet Spot” or the “Danger Zone”?

The Paleo diet is a similar low carb, no sugar diet that focuses on how you would have eaten if you lived in the Paleo times as a caveman. Hunting for meat, gathering nuts, berries and raw vegetables. NOT using sugar, dairy, grains (corn being considered a grain).

Exercise is quick bouts and bursts of energy like running after the animal (lol), or heavy lifting, multiple short walks, etc. There are many app's for iPhone like "Is it Paleo" that are both amusing and informative. Paleo is tied in tightly with the Cross Fit sensation as the best practice for eating well, fueling with protein, and leaning out.

The Primal Blueprint is a great book that highlights the Paleo diet and provides all the guidelines needed. I think this would be a great maintenance program for me as it lifts the restriction on fruits
(natural food yes, but high in natural frutose or sugar).  I also use the heavy cream for my coffee so will not likely be totally dairy free. I could just add in the different elements of each of these diets that seem to make sense and work for me.

As you can see from the chart, if you can maintain anything under 100 carb, you should be in the "sweet spot" for weight loss. The interesting question is if Paleo/Primal Blue Print's 100g approach is based on net carb or total carb and therefore technically based on the same philosophy as the New Adkins approach in carb counting.

Low carb Living ! Join the Journey!

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