Saturday, May 30, 2015

16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6.... Reality check during a shopping spree and 22 months of Low Carb Living.

Reality check.

I mean .... seriously.

I have been beyond happy now fitting into my smallest clothes again.

I am in all the jeans I've stored for years, some suits I've had sine '95-97 (hey, they're classic!)

But lately, even some of my things with stretch have been fitting loosely. I have been blissfully ignorant and happy I can fit back into everything. : ) Using Pinterest to work my wardrobe and stay stylish with the change of season.

So a good friend alerted me my smaller stuff was getting baggy and I needed to go try on some new clothes.

We hit Target and Macy's this AM, and I was totally overwhelmed to slide on, zip up and literally be in a size 6. I mean SPEECHLESS.

I walked onto my college campus this size, (interestingly enough, not his number for weight) and I am not sure I have been there (or at least very long) during my entire adulthood.

A size 6!


Like the swimsuit expedition earlier during Spring Break, something in your head still see's yourself at the same size, or convinces you that there has not been as big a change a there obviously has been.

Good job me. WOW. you totally did/ are doing it !

I did not end up buying anything new I tried on today. Figured we are headed into summer with more casual needs and lots of outdoor activities. Need to rid out, get organized and determine what I actually NEED to replace what I will be donating. Be strategic and invest in items I need and will continue to add to my new sassy style.

Plus, I immediately started thinking about how I need to tone up, lose a little more, tighten up, keep improving.


STOP. Take a moment to savor the success...

6 sizes smaller....


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

How to stay "on plan" during a Holiday Weekend!

Whoo - hoo ! Race Day weekend!

That is what we call it 'round these parts.

In Indiana, the home of the Greatest Spectacle in Racing- The Indianapolis 500, officially it is Memorial weekend, but trumped by the phrase "Race Weekend".

Traditionally, that means food, fun, fellowship and drink with the opening kick off of summer at the family lake house all while tuned into the radio and an amazing 99 year tradition of speed around a 2.5 mile cycle in the heart of Indianapolis!

It is SO easy to fall off track with all sorts of influences, favorite items, or the hectic chaos involved in a 40 person gathering.

Going into the weekend, I knew I needed a plan, and the mantra "Progress not Perfection".

I prepared with pitch in items that would work for me.

The traditional 24 hour salad, (which will be added to the recipe page pronto) my go to: Asian Slaw, I had makings for the three cheese dip (others brought something similar so much we didn't need it) and I had leftover Sirloin steak, a tub of turkey meat, and chicken breasts ready for my own consumption.

In the am,  had more time and actually fixed breakfast and enjoyed a fried egg, soft yolk for breakfast.

I did indulge with a few chocolate chip cookies, some blue corn chips to go with my sisters mango and avocado salsa (yum!), and 2 mini sandwich bread for the seafood mixture and cucumber creation appetizer from a family friend.

I was "challenged" in a Fitbit "Weekend Warrior" sometime Saturday for number of steps again, so between all the boat cleaning, party set up, and regular up and down the hill lake life, in addition to having my sister take me out for a run / walk, I managed to get in 12,790 on Saturday and another 19,000 steps on Sunday for a total of 31,831.

Upon return to home yesterday, I was down a few digits on the scale, and feeling motivated again to keep the number decreasing, as previously stated, through fine tuned low carb living, more intentional movement, and lifting weights.

I want to lose another 10-15 lbs. I think it is doable prior to beginning of September.

Bring on the Sunshine of Summer!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

In Preperation for a Summer Slim Down with Low Carb Living -New Measurements - 5-17-2015

"The Chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right now!" - Zig Ziglar

Summer is QUICKLY approaching... 


All things swimsuits, shorts, grilling and outside activities! 

This spring, I have been good about getting in more steps, deliberate exercise, better sleep. 

I have not been as strict on the diet since returning from vacation and whittling back down to my "lowest so far". 

Little munches of this and that, here and there. 

My weight is holding steady, but I am not losing or creeping closer to my "goal weight".

I need to do the dynamic duo of EATING CLEAN and LOW CARB and upping the exercise intensity. 

I have a new measurements from over the weekend recorded below. Still smaller than I was in March, which is encouraging and good. 

Lost a total of -45.5 inches off my body in 22 months. 

That is really great and I am proud with what I have accomplished.

It is a reminder to keep pushing forward and prepare for a fun summer where I will reach my goal!

Are you taking a step closer to or one step away from your goal?

1 year
9/10/13 10/13/13 2/13/14 8/22/14 1/19/15 3/22/15 5/17/15
neck 14 14 13.5 13 13 12.5 12.5
chest 35.5 35.5 34 34 33 32.5 32.5
boobs 39 39 38 38 36 36 36
waist 37.5 37.5 35.5 33 32 31 30
butt/hip 49 49 47 46 43.5 43 42.5
Rt thigh 30 30 28 28 26 25 25
Lt  thigh 29 29 28.25 27.75 25.25 25 24.25
rt knee 18.5 18.5 18.5 15.75 15 15 15
lt knee 18.5 18.5 18.5 15.5 15.25 15 14.5
rt calf 17 17.25 16.9 16.25 16 15.75 15.5
lf calf 17.5 17.5 16.5 16.25 16 15.75 15.75
305.5 305.75 294.65 283.5 271 266.5 263.5
inches lost -11.1 -11.15 -12.5 -4.5 -3
Total Inches lost: -11.1 -22 -34.5 -39 -42
Rt bicep 14 13 12.5
lf bicep 15 13 13
29 26 25.5
-3 -3.5
inches lost

Saturday, May 16, 2015

How Low Carb living has lifted my Spirit and lightened my load !

Yesterday I spent the day with a group of ladies at a retreat., meant to give hard working over scheduled, busy mom's, wives, and sisters time to reflect, meditate, and embrace God.

My little sister is the Soul Sister of the Soul Spa Sisterhood, so I wanted to attend to support her and celebrate her event and brain child . I invited a BFF colleague of mine, who is actually Jewish, and she agreed to attend.

Cool, I had a "buddie".

They also served an awesome tomato bisque and Cobb salad, so I was totally game.

When I arrived, there were other "surprise attendees" and our table assignment - "LOVELY" was more like LIVELY. We had a great day.

We were given sketch books, options from a selection of craft paper, glue sticks, ribbons, colored pencils and craft scissors with the assignment to "Create your Journal."

I had such a great time selecting the colors of my paper and combinations. Colorful paisley with matching stripes, a hot pink zebra pattern and I was off. I glued the edges, mitered the corners to have perfect folded edges. It is totally Pinterest worthy if not Martha Stewart worthy.

Then what to put IN it.....

UGH! I beautiful new journal and book, but in the back of my mind, I know I will leave it empty as nothing will be worthy enough to go IN it.

This reminded me of the chapter in Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project about "Spending Out". Use things up. Do not save the party napkins, or stationary for a better time, use it up now. Do the projects I invested in, knit the projects for which I have and abundance of yarn and so on.

My sister suggested I use it as a reflection book on Motherhood to highlight my photography of the kids, special memories, quotes. That is a great idea and great use of this pretty book. : )

We took lots of photos with each other and for the first time in a LONG time, I was part of the picture, not hiding behind the group. I actually felt pretty, in a jersey knit clingy dress mind you.

I realize how far I have come from being numb. Ridding myself of the extra weight by sticking to the low carb lifestyle that is working for me, has lifted my spirit! It's made me willing to step outside of my comfort zone to try new things, like this retreat, and REALLY enjoy myself in the process!

It has been a long road.

22 months now of eating on program.
2 months of getting back into the groove of exercising and training my body.
5 years after the death of my BELOVED and very best cherished friend a dear darling dumpling Grandmother and pulling myself out of a "slump"or for that matter full on depression.

It has been a long hard road and there are still bumps along the way and unfortunately bound to be more in the future.

Much like my new journal, I love the Natasha Bendingfield song, "Unwritten". When it comes on the radio, I always crank it up and sing along.

It seem s especially appropriate now.

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten

Another dear one and sorority sister enlightened me with a phrase from the book and recent movie WILD.

In essence it says if you don't like the way things are going or what the little voice in your head keeps saying, "just rewrite the story". 

After all, the rest is still unwritten....

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

How Sunday Dinner has turned into an everyday occurrence, and other reasons to go Low Carb !

A dear friend and I were discussing the Low Carb lifestyle and need to limit ourselves to specific foods, or amounts of sugar, coffee drinks, or treats.

She said, "You know, when I was growing up, we used to have a Sunday dinner with a nice meal, meat, potato, rolls, veg and a dessert. It was once a week. It was a coming together of family in celebration and included a dessert. It was one of my favorite days. But as a society, we have allowed ourselves to have a "Sunday dinner" every day!"

This hit me between the eyes! That is such a true statement!!!

We have a big meal, or meal on the run, and all the extra's like potatoes, with a dessert way too often, which turns into a habit, and then becomes a regular routine or lifestyle, which makes for overindulgence !

By limiting my sugar intake, therefore practically eliminating desserts as an option, I have given up the daily Sunday dinners. THAT choice has become a lifestyle, a positive habit! When I do splurge, it is on occasion, it is specific, and it is truly a treat. I can honestly say I do not miss the things I used to crave or think I could not live without.

Now, call me crazy, but I would prefer a cold fountain coke over ice to a glass of wine most the time.

I love me a chewy chocolate chip cookie. (yumm)  I would even call them "trigger foods" as once you start, you can't step away or they make you want more of them.

The best thing about this Low Carb Lifestyle is I no longer CRAVE these items and I can actually count on one hand how often I have had them in the last year or two.

I really enjoy my Pure protein shake with extra ice cubes blended, which can be like ice cream or a shake, I found Aunt Eddie's slow churn, no sugar added (which makes it low carb) mint chocolate chip ice-cream which is a yummy occasional treat. Skinny pop popcorn works, or salted or roasted almonds for the salt or crunch crave.

If I choose to eat them, I enjoy every bite or gulp and then move on and back into my program.

THAT feels great.

Both truly enjoying the treat, and feeling I have the control over the crave or can get back on the program and know that the crave will pass. ; )

What are your "trigger" foods? What are your low carb snack or treat substitutes?