Thursday, April 23, 2015

How to work on self image while in the process of losing weight

In reflection of these last 20 months, one idea that really helped kick start the process of my journey and evolution, was the "restyling" and self image makeover I did.

Something that is so frustrating when you are heavier is none of your clothes fit and you really don't want to spend money on clothes at the larger size you currently are and do not want to stay. I had a closet of clothes in multiple different sizes and a LOT of basics, t shirts, long sleeve shirts, button down shirts, skirts, pants. I was tired of the "uniform" I was wearing day in and day out, and not feeling like I looked very pulled together.

I've always liked dressing well, but had lost my je ne sais quoi.

I decided to clean out my closets and discovered it was NOT that I didn't have an abundance of clothes, I just was not putting the combinations together as well. 

I created a board on, and started pinning any of the "Women's Fashion" I thought looked cute. 

I think the tendency is to pick things that already have your flair, or might make you reach a little outside your usual, but in general, you pick things that would trend well for you. This was not only a lot of fun, but really made me start "shopping" my own closet to create the outfits I had pinned. If I thought the combo's on Pinterest were stylish, they would be no matter the size body they were on.

Almost immediately, I just FELT better, started getting compliments on looking nice, or pulled together, and felt that I was putting a better version of myself out into the universe. 

It also created a fun "TO PURCHASE" shopping list of items I wanted to add into the mix to finish out my cute potential outfits! It kept me from buying yet another black or white t shirt, and to look and hunt for that color, pattern, belt, neckline, chuck taylors, or other accessory that would let me make a new outfit with the other things I had.

When I find pants that fit, I tend to buy one in every color, so I had a black, navy, light grey, kahki and carmel pair of pants I splurged on early in the beginning. This initially gave me many additional options away from the black pant I was very, V*E*R*Y,  tired of sporting all the time.

I had those "uniform" pants taken in at some point too. Finally a dear friend told me, "they are really too big and baggy on you. You need to get new SMALLER pants." : )  As I got a little smaller, I even got bright red, bright blue, and patterned pants that I would never have looked at before. I actually need to find the caramel and light grey alternative again as those colors added many options and mixed it up. 

I truly believe looking back on this element of the journey, it was a real turning point and helped propel me forward to feeling better and wanting to keep going to fit into the next smaller size I had in the closet.

Another good tool was a visualizer like where you can enter your height, weight, body shape, hair color and hair style and then add your goal weight and it will show the two side by side to visualize yourself at that smaller size. Very insightful.

"Fake it till you make it",

"Best Foot Forward", 

"Dress for Success" all seem to ring true.

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