Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How do you stay "on plan" doing Low carb and Adkins while on vacation ?!


I NEEDED this time for myself, for my family, and a total recharge.

I am in my reflective place on the beach as mentioned in an earlier post.

It is here, 3 years ago, I said I would not return to the land of sand and surf in this size body again and I kept my promise to myself as a year ago, I was 25# lighter, in a bikini again, still far from goal, but on the right path.

This year, I even surprised myself. Less #65 now, I know I've come a long way…you GET it, but then your mind plays tricks on you. You don't think it has been THAT significant.

I've had pants taken in and even passed them along to a friend on the same journey. I luckily tried on shorts prior to leaving and they fell off me (!), dug through drawers of my "skinny" shorts and they now fit, so why did I think my swim suits would fit ??? Dunno, just grabbed them and packed them.

We arrived in FLA and first day I put on a suit… uh oh. The bottoms were like a large diaper and falling off me. (yippee!) Hubs said I needed to go to the surf shop and get some new suits! I treated myself to 3 new ones, cool ones too, but figured I'd live in them throughout the summer too, so I splurged a little.

I am a snow skiers and water skier. I really love both… a lot.

I dream of a "retirement" where I can snow ski throughout the winter and then thaw out in Fla for a few weeks early spring prior to returning home for the beautiful spring and summer seasons. There… I put it out in the universe.

When vacationing, or away from home, food becomes an issue. Partially, due to my son's severe food allergy. We have to be prepared and proactive that he has something that can pack easily, will provide him with ample nourishment, and easily accessible. The same is true for staying on a plan. For him, it has to be 100% on or we end up with the Epi pen. With me, I decide that the 80/20 rule of attempting to make my best decisions to stay on plan while on vacation is the best I can do, and it is only for a week, and allowing myself the "vacation" from being completely on plan is OK.

I'll get back on when we are home and can better manage the routine.

So while away… my days look like this:

Coffee, 3 splenda and heavy whipping cream. (There is not a Starbucks within 25 miles of the island)
Bacon or sausage
Scrambled eggs

*Occasional-Full-Leaded-Classic-Coke. Over ice. YUM (I prefer this to an alcoholic drink.)

Lunch has been turkey and cheese roll ups, leftover steak, chicken salad, chicken, or fish. yesterday in a flour tortilla. (remembering the 80/20)

Dinner has been more like our usual focus on the protein, veggie although a little low on seasonings as I was not going to supply us with expensive seasoning jars. Will remember that to pack next year.

This year, the family did our first jaunt to Disney (WOW.) for the first 2 days of the vacation.

It was a fun filled, memory maker for sure, and we plowed right through the strollers, people carts and HUGE record breaking crowds on a death march pace. The fit bit said we did 20,000 steps on Monday and 19,000 on Tuesday for a total of 10 miles MON and 9 miles TUES. My battery was dying and it is the only cord I forgot, so when we stopped to stock for food at Sam's for the beach,  I bought the hubs a fit bit gift. :)

We have maintained 10,000 steps the rest of the week doing beach walks, so I am hoping when I get home, that the movement will make up for the 20 part of the 80/20, and I will have at least maintained while on vaca.

Like the renewal and real loss I created by focusing on Phase One again between Thanksgiving and February, I am ready to embark on another, pulling in the reins and striving for added weight lifting, cardio sessions, even if it is walking, and get toned up ready for Summer !!!

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